- Meteorological service started in Maldives.
- Meteorological office worked under wireless office, customs, and the Prime ministers office through out its early days.
- Meteorological data were started to record continuously at Met Office. The recorded data items were temperature, wind, and rainfall.
- Installed a theodolite, open scale barograph, thermograph, and a MARCONI single side band (SSB) radio set
- 1 March: International standard MET reports done in Met office, started with 0300 & 1200 SYNOPS.
- 1 August: Meteorological Centre was created as a section of Airport office.
- METAR & SYNOP reports were done from 5am - 9pm with one upper air observation per day.
- Gan Met office came under the Airport office after Royal British Force left Gan.
- 1 August : SYNOP reports were done 24 hours in the Meteorological Center.
- Communication established between COLOMBO and MET Office via SSB. Forecasts were done in Colombo and sent to Meteorological center via this method.
- 1 June : Became a member of World Meteorological Organisation (WMO).
- 1 July : His excellency President Maumoon Abdul Gayyoom created department of meteorology as an independent office reporting directly to the presidents office.
- 1 Aug : National Meteorological Centre created, started to function 24/7.
- 21 June : Became a member of ESCAP/WMO panel on tropical cyclones.
- 27 January : 24 hour MET reports done in NMC.
- For the first time, Weather forecasts were done in Maldives under supervison of Indian Meteorologist Mr M.S. Singh.
- 10 March : installation of a radiotele printer (compliment from the German government), which was used to receive METAR, SYNOPS, TAFS, SIGMETand upper air observations from other meteorological centeres of the world. It was also used to receive weather warnings from other countries.
- Installed a faximility recorder (compliment from the French government), which receives wind and pressure data of different levels.
- 23 March : Gan started to function 24/7.
- Tide gauge installed in Hulhule', in collaboration with the University of Hawaii Sea Level Center.
- June : NMC started to issue forecasts of Maldives done by Maldivian forecasters, Mr Ali Shareef and Mr Abdul Muhusin Ramiz.
- 9 December : A meteorological office was opened in L Kadhhoo airport.
- New communication system installed for communications between the outstations and NMC, a DEBG radio telephone system was used.
- Tide gauge installed in Gan harbour, in collaboration with the University of Hawaii Sea Level Center.
- 27 October : Hanimaadhoo Met office opened.
- January : Installed AFDOS, analysing, forecasting, data processing & operational system.
- March: Installed INSAT system, Indian satellite recieving system, which was later upgraded in June.
- October : Tide gauge installed in Hanimaadhoo.
- 11 November : Department of Meteorology came under Min. of Planning, Human Resource and Environment.
- Physical oceanography and Seismology introduced in NMC.
- 11 December : Kaadedhhoo Met office opened.
- AFDOS upgraded for printing charts.
- 29 November : SADIS, Satellite Distribution System installed.
- AFDOS upgrade.
- 11 November : Department of Meteorology came under Min. of Home affairs and Environment.
- 26 December : Indian Ocean Tsunami.
- California Integrated Seismic Network, (CISN) installed for real time earthquake monitoring
- April : Hotlines established between MNDF, Police, TVM, VOM and NDMC
- 21 March : GTS software upgrade.
- 15 May : Introduction of Numerical Model (MM5), which was used to creating weather forecasts and climate projections.
- 1 June : Maldives climate observatory started to function under Department of meteorology.
- 7 Aug : REDS (Real-time Earthquake Display System) developed in Met office. REDS displays the latest earthquakes around the globe and the tide data from the stations.
- 11 November : Weather forecast presented by forecasters of NMC. It was recorded in Met office studio and sent to TVM.
- 30 May : Tide gauge upgrades in Hulhule, Hanimaadhoo and Gan, wave radar sensor and a pressure sensors were added.
- Installation of Doplar Weather Radar system.
- Installation of Automatic Weather Stations across the country started.
- 7 April : GTS upgrade, receives early warnings and advisory bulletins.
- 1 November : Met reports done 24/7 in Hanimaadhoo and Kadhhoo.
- 20 December : Tide gauge upgrades.
- December : Broadband Seismometers installed in Hanimaadhoo and Kaadedhhoo.
- SeiscomP real time earthquake monitoring system installed.
- 1 May : Met reports done 24/7 in Kaadehdhoo Met Office.
- 18 December : Department of Meteorology became Maldives Meteorological Service (MMS).
- 18 December : Maldives Climate Observatory and physical oceanography moved under Environment Protection Agency (EPA).
- MICAPS system installed.
- 1 September : Tide gauge upgrades (New power system, Pressure sensor and Water level switches installed).
- 14 December : Seismic stations upgrade (BGAN installed as a backup communication system, TE box installed to monitor the stations online).
- DORIS (Doplar Orbitory & Radar positioning Integrated by Satellite) upgrade. New satellite communication system was installed.
- October : DYNAMO project started in Gan and was finished in March 2012.
- GTS upgrade, able to receives bulletins from RIMES.